
Sign our guest book

Sign our guest book

Welcome to the Women at Crossroads

GuestBook Page!

As the moderator of this blog site, I have noticed that many people visit here, look around, and read the posts but do not take the time to comment or even register their presence.

I would like to change that!

I am starting this guest book page to encourage individuals who are “just passing through” to linger long enough to let me know that you were here.  I invite you to please participate. 

I would greatly appreciate it if you–the visitor–to this site would leave your name or cyber-handle in the comment box provided and if possible add where you are from. 

Most of all however I just want to welcome you.  There are far too many interesting people who are just “driving by” anonymously. 

Please use the comment box below to leave your mark.  Record your name, nick name, pseudonym, cyber-identity or whatever else you are known by in the box below and include any other interesting info you feel inclined to share. 

Thanks in advance for your time spent acknowledging the growing online community here at Women at Crossroads.  We encourage you to visit often, join in the interaction, share your opinions and most of all have fun blogging!

Merci beaucoup, Danke schön, Arigato, Muchas gracias, Spasibo, Toda, Mahalo, Xie xie, Grazie, Obrigado, Shukran, Cheers, Ta, Thank ya,

  Maryellen Stipe (Moderator of Women at Crossroads)

Your participation is Appreciated

Your participation is Appreciated


Let us know you were here!

Let us know you were here!

38 responses to “GuestBook

  1. Deanna Mosler

    Hi Mary Ellen,

    I just wanted to thank you again for your teaching in women’s bible study and for asking about my sister Nina. I’m sending her the outlines from the “Resting in Him” study from this fall. She really enjoyed the first study she attended with me during her visit in September.

    I was also most blessed by our fall retreat this year and most honored to be on the prayer team to pray with such devoted women of God. Thank you for all your preparation and wonderful teaching at the event along with having Kelly Willard to share her music with us. I’m still enjoying all of her CD’s that I bought and even took them with me on a driving trip to Texas and have really been blessed listening to the message and scriptures in her music. I will keep her her in prayer for sure especially with her move from Florida.

    In His name,


  2. Maryellen Stipe


    Thanks for visiting “Women at Crossroads” and leaving your kind words. I will miss seeing you at Bible Study this session but I would encourage you to stay connected through tuning into this blog site regularly. By visiting here often you can keep up-to-date on everything that is happening with all of us and let us know how you are doing as well. In fact, you may want to check out the “Events” page and note that Christmas Tea tickets go on sale Nov. 7th. It would be wonderful if you could come to one of the teas (didn’t you tell me you thought you could make it down to one?). We would sure love to see you!

  3. BraveBeauty


    Thank you for all you do for the women at Crossroads. You are a real blessing to me and to many others. I love your blog! It has been very informative.

  4. Maryellen Stipe


    Thanks for making your presence known and taking the time to comment. I hope you will participate by expressing your opinions and interacting here at W@C often.

    Maryellen Stipe

  5. Hi Maryellen,
    I have attended Crossroads for over a year now and am excited with all the new things going on! I’m glad the Lord lead me here. I enjoy your blog… Its is very inspirational.

  6. Maryellen Stipe


    Welcome to the blog. I am glad you have enjoyed reading the articles and checking things out. The blog is a great way to keep in touch with what is happening at Crossroads. Visit here as often as you can–we truly would love your future participation–thanks for letting us know you came by.

  7. Shona

    Hi Maryellen,
    Just returned home from the conference you led in BC. Thanks for the perspective of travelling through the different terrains of life on our way to heaven. Very helpful to be reminded of God’s big picture!
    Thank You

  8. Rip Tide Mom

    Hi Maryellen,

    Not ever having blogged before, I typed an entry earlier. Wanting to check a fact before sending, I returned to the page and my entry was gone. I don’t think I submitted it but, if I did, sorry. I’m learning.

    I hope your readers realize how truly blessed we as a church, as a women’s bible study and as Christians are to have you and the other pastors at Crossroads to lead us in biblical instruction. I feel too often the depth and richness of our teaching at Crossroads is taken for granted by many, myself included. The Women’s Retreat this year left me hungry for a deeper, more meaningful study of God’s word than I have allowed myself in a long time. Having Kelly Willard at retreat reminded me of the insatiable hunger I had when I first came to know the Lord back in the early 80’s. Where did that intense desire to absorb everything I heard go? Did it disappear, lessen or just get covered up in the busyness of life. I often feel like I am being pulled or pushed through life as though caught in a rip tide. Thank you for making deeper study possible through all the offerings at Crossroads, but especially through the WM bible study. The Resting in Him study was probably the first of many, many studies I have started that I actually finished ALL the homework. The current Beth Moore study Stepping Up is challenging me. Thank you for making that possible. Thanks to you and Tom for giving so much of your life to this ministry. No one besides you and your family will ever know what it truly cost, but in my life, it’s appreciated. Happy upcoming Anniversary.

  9. Maryellen Stipe

    Dear Rip Tide Mom,

    Your words of appreciation and gratitude touch my heart deeply. I would not trade a moment of the 32 years that we have spent leading this church. It has been my life work and I am priviledged to get to do full time the work I love so much–the ministry of Jesus Christ.

    I am glad women’s ministry is meeting your needs
    –that is great input! I need to know what people find helpful so that I can make decisions for the future. I am grateful that you are willing to take the the time to share your perceptions here.

    As far as the rip-tide effect you are experiencing I want to assure you that you are not the only one. It is not unusual these days to feel the pull of the fast-paced nature of our society. And I relate to your analogy comparing it to a rip-tide, the pull is exactly like a hidden current so very slowly taking us away from the godly values we desire to observe.

    Thank you again for taking the time to comment on this blog and for being a part of Crossroads all these many years. Tom and I greatly appreciate you and your family’s contributions to the Body.

    Love in Christ,
    Maryellen Stipe

  10. Maryellen Stipe

    Hi Shona,

    Welcome to the blog. It was great to get to meet you at the B.C. conference, I had a great time. I am glad you found spiritual benefit in the content that was shared. May God bless you on your pilgrimage!

    Maryellen Stipe

  11. I’m excited to see this place to connect up and running. Although in this time of life,with Chuck going back for his masters degree, we are taking somewhat of a sabbatical this season, but it is only for a season, and we all know seasons change and life moves on. Thanks for being our “grounded place”, we will always call Crossroads, “home.”

  12. Maryellen Stipe


    I am so happy to welcome you to the blog. I have missed you at Bible Study but I understand well how times of life change and our schedules must flex as well. I hope checking this blog can be an addition to your weekly ritual. Just look us up once and a while and hopefully it will be a way to keep connected when limited time keeps you at home. Thanks for being there.

    Maryellen Stipe

  13. Ali F


    Am writing from England so you can guess I’m not a Crossroads woman so I hope it is OK for me to join in this blog. I was a Crossroads lady 16 years ago when I was a new Mum living in America for a few years. Maryellen – your teaching then was inspirational to me and the women’s ministry was my family. Am living in Cambridge UK now, my baby girl is now 16 and loves God for herself. We remember our time in Denver with great affection. Am so glad we can join in fellowship online. Love to you all at Crossroads.

  14. Maryellen Stipe


    I am so glad to hear from you again, I remember you well and I cannot believe your daughter is 16 now. Hannah is her name isn’t it and wasn’t she born in the U.S.? It will be great to get reacquainted online. Did you have any more children? We just got done with the first of our annual Christmas teas. Do you remember how much I love England and all you Brits? Tom and I visit the U.K. occasionally, we have good friends in York. Women’s ministry is still a vital part of Crossroads and some of the women you remember are no doubt still involved. I will let them know you posted here. Please check us out regularly and I am so glad you use the internet and are not intimidated with blogging. Welcome back to the group, can’t wait to hear more from you!

  15. Natalie

    Hi Maryellen,

    I learned of your blog from the Christmas Tea and I’m visiting today as a result of Julie Robbins. It never ceases to amaze me at how the Lord puts the puzzle pieces of our lives together and keeps us all connected.

    Thank you for all that you do!

  16. Maryellen Stipe

    Welcome to the blog Natalie,

    This is a place where you can stay connected and find out what is going on in the community 24/7.
    I hope that you check us out regularly and add comments and responses. The “pray with us” page can be used for prayer requests and you can stop by the church office and get the password to that page anytime.

    Thanks for visiting us,
    Maryellen Stipe

  17. Mary Kruk

    The children’s program today was great! Those kids worked hard and we could tell. Thanks for letting us experience it in the sanctuary this morning! What a blessing.

  18. Maryellen Stipe

    It was indeed a blessing to see our kids do such an excellent program. I loved the content and the quality of what they performed. Your daughter was especially good, you could hear every word and she hit every note perfectly. I was very proud and also happy that they performed on a Sunday morning.

  19. How did I NOT know you had this blog? How is that possible? Stumbled upon it today while watching the webcast. Yay! Miss you all…

  20. Maryellen Stipe

    Welcome to the blog Angela,

    I’m glad you found us, I am surprised you didn’t find us earlier as well, but hey here we are and now you know where we can be found 24/7. I am sure all the women in women’s ministry will love keeping up with you through your interactions with us here. Please don’t be a stranger. I know you have your own blog and I will add it to our favorite links. We all miss you as well, can’t wait till you come and visit us in person.

    Love in Christ,
    Maryellen Stipe

  21. Hello women of Crossroads and Maryellen. I miss you all and just discovered your beautiful blog! I’m so glad to be able to keep up with what’s going on. We have moved away to a bit more isolated life in rural New Hampshire. God has drawn us here to stretch us and serve Him more, and indeed we are being stretched.
    If you are so inclined, please read our blog as well. I dearly miss the wonderful Women of Crossroads. My women friends at Crossroads are, and always will be my eternal sisters.

  22. Daphne’s blog:

    (oops, forgot to imbed the link!)

  23. Maryellen Stipe

    Hi Daphne,

    It was great to hear from you. I wondered how things were going for you and John in New Hampshire. I read your blog and it made me smile to read about all God is doing in your lives. I was glad to read that you have made contact with April and Phil, it is truly a small world.

    One thing that is great about coming from a church that is as old and as stable as Crossroads is that no matter how far you roam, you know where to find us. Please keep in contact with us– with your long history at Crossroads many know you and will love keeping up to date on where your lives and ministries are taking you. We love you guys.

    Maryellen Stipe

  24. Pastor Jachin Charley

    Date: April 23, 2009
    Beloved in Christ,

    Greetings to you in the mighty name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. My name is Jachin Charley, I am 33 years old. I am serving the Lord as an Evangelist and helping the poor. Beloved, in my Rustumbada village, so many poor people are staying in small huts. They don’t have proper food, clothes. Due to poverty they are not having education. They are living in so much agony and pain. They don’t have proper Medical facilities. We are giving them food, clothes and medicines. We are spending our own money to help them with God’s Love. I have started Jesus Gospel Ministry in the year 2006 on September 28. We are giving them Good News of Jesus. They are accepting Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. Please pray for these people. Please forward this message to many Christians to support our Indian ministry. For your reference we are sending some ministry photos. Please click the bellow link to view the Jesus Gospel Ministry photos.



  25. janellebratten

    Aloha, I do check the blog and womens info. I miss Crossroads and being part of the ladies ministry. I wish you had your bible study lessons on the website to listen to also. I do listen to Toms,but do miss hearing your bible study. All is good here in Aloha land. I do enjoy my prayer group through Calvary Chapel Kona Coast, good to be involved. We are going to a live telecast of Beth Moore on Sat., with a bunch of ladies. Should be good! God Bless you, hope all is well! I am praying for retreat! Aloha nui loa, Janelle—-I did see a Mahalo on your thank you list! Yea!

  26. Eileen Wiedmaier

    Hi Maryellen,
    Well, it’s been almost 3 years since my husband and I moved from Colorado to Missouri. I thought I’d drop by the website and see what’s new. I love the blog-wonderful idea! I will definately drop by more often. I also wanted to tell you how much I miss the retreats, teas and the women’s ministry. Most of all, I miss your bible studies; what an inspiration they were to me! I would love to see them posted on your website!
    I think of you often Maryellen and I hope you are well.
    God’s Blessings to you, your family and the church.
    Eileen Wiedmaier

  27. Maryellen Stipe


    Thanks for dropping by. I remember you well and did not realize that you had been in Missouri quite so long. I hope you have found a church that you love. Thanks, for the kind words about my Bible Study, it is the hardest part of my ministry to keep going week in and week out and so the words of affirmation help. Check in often to see what’s up with the Women’s Ministry at Crossroads. We miss you,

    Love in Christ,

  28. janellebratten

    Aloha, continue in Jesus, in His love and grace. I have had my 2nd breast cancer surgery, removal of more lymphnodes and tissue. I am healing slowly after this one, God is with me through it all, His word comes forth and I am in a beautiful setting of Hawaii for comfort and the ocean. I will start treatment in couple weeks, please pray for wisdom with the doctors for the treatment I should receive. I do miss everyone at Crossroads and I prayed for retreat, Love Letters of Jesus, what a beautiful thought, He does love us everyday in so many ways! Through His spirit, His word and special people in our lives. I am good and at peace in the Lord! Praise Him in all things! God Bless you and Aloha, Janelle

  29. keijo

    Thank you Lord, for you will do greatfull deeds in us and through us inthe HOly Spirit power and use us to win!”Thank you for this beautiful day for grace and for glory to God and our big opportune that be the light and the salt winning many people to salvation in Jesus name,thanks and bless and pray,keijo sweden

  30. Just stopping by to say “Hello.” I forgot what I was looking for when I found you and just had to stop and read about you. I recently moved to North Carolina so I’m not close enough to join you. Wish I were…sounds wonderful! It’s so nice to visit with fellow Christians no matter where you live!

  31. keijo

    SÅ beautiful joy again in this of the christmas in faith to Jesus and his Godliness and wonderful love to us all forever and my hearst will celebratefor so dear of the songsof Jesus and millions of the angels host those who wil watch our Christmas time and they wil sing and joy withus and God willget big glory for all things good ,what he has done ,thanks and bless and worship keijo sweden

  32. Deyan

    I was on a mission to find yours and Pastor Tom’s e-mail addresses when I came across this blog site. How very cool.
    Just to give some background to me – my parents are Roger (Rusty) and Barb Davies. We attended Crossroads when it was formerly Calvery Chapel and then Vineyard Christian Fellowship. I, when I was 16 babysat your daughters (this was in the middle 80s). I still remember how they snuck my lipstick out of my purse, ran to the bathroom and very liberally applied it on each other. And now they are all grown up. As I am. How time flies.
    I’ve missed having Tom as my pastor. I’ve gone through quite a bit of frustration in my adult life. I have 3 great kids. I was married for almost 13 years to a very abusive man. We were divorced in 2004. It has been a struggle but I am happy to say I am emotionally “back on my feet”.
    I am living in North Dakota. Whenever I get the opportunity (even if the wind is blowing in the right direction!) I run to Colorado. Attending Crossroads is a top priority for me while I am there. How I miss the worship. That is something I will always, always remember, and one thing that is very important to me.
    So long ago (around age 16 again) I helped Danny Daniels lead worship during 3rd service. I guess you can say I’ve come a long ways from there. Music, while not a full-time occupation for me, is a very high priority.
    To make a long story short, I have met an absolutely wonderful man and we are getting married on April 10 of this year. My first thought was “I wish Tom could marry us”. Knowing that that was unlikely, my next thought was “I sure wish they could attend the wedding.”
    Anyway, I just wanted to say I think this blog site is a great idea.
    Take care,

  33. Leslie

    I typed in an image search on google for “beside still waters” a new book I received from my husband with words from Spurgeon. It has been a blessing so I was looking for a picture to put on my wall paper and the two sheep by the drinking fountain came up and then your site. I would love to subscribe but I couldn’t quite figure out how to do that. My favorite thing is peace and rest in the presence of God’s mercy and grace. Love the site. I can think of some days it would be nice to just have a place to say something. I hope to be back. Thanks

  34. TGS

    Just found your blog. I live in a small town in New Mexico. Wondering if you have an online bible study?

  35. Virginia Agosto

    Hello MaryEllen,
    I met you several years ago at Calvary Chapel South, Kent, WA. You were our retreat speaker at Rainbow Lodge for 2 years in a row…remember? I was on my way to Uganda . As it turned out the Lord redirected my husband and I. We still serve at Calvary South. and continue to have a heart for missions more than ever. I have visited Uganda for 4 years in a row. This year we are traveling elsewhere. Looking forward to seeing you at the retreat.

    Virginia Agosto

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  38. Bayer Leverkusen returned to winning ways after crushing Werder Bremen 6-2 at the better of the 9th round inside the Bundesliga on Sunday.

    Bremen’s winning streak came to an end, while Leverkusen showed no mercy on the way to the 6-2 victory.

    The Werkself grabbed a great start on the road as Kevin Volland broke the deadlock with eight minutes enjoyed after poking home Karim Bellarabi’s square pass for the far post.

    Bremen replied and assumed control, however neither Ludwig Augustinsson nor Max Kruse were able to convert their promising opportunities right into a tangible reward before the chance.

    Leverkusen presented their scientific chance conversion before the chance as they doubled the business lead in the 38th minute when ever Julian Brandt tapped residence a rebound from close range.

    The visitors gained momentum and tripled the lead within the first 50 % as Karim Bellarabi damaged the ball over onrushing Bremen goalkeeper Jiri Pavlenka in the 45th minute.

    After the restart, Werder Bremen bounced back back and reduced the arrears through veteran Claudio Pizarro, who made the most out of Davy Klaassen with an hour into the game.

    The “Green-Whites” gained confidence to make it 3-2 only two minutes later as Yuya Osako poked home a flicked on pass by very close range.

    Just when ever Bremen thought they are about to turn the tides, Leverkusen extended their lead out of the blue as Kai Havertz lobbed the ball over Pavlenka to make it 4-2 inside the 67th minute.

    Bremen had been shocked, but Leverkusen held it going to sink the hosts with another two goals as Aleksandar Dragovic and Haverts rounded off the 6-2 goal festival.

    Together with the result, Werder Bremen slide to the 4th position while Bayer Leverkusen jumped in the 12th place of the chic.

    Elsewhere, Sebastien Haller’s late equalizer helped Eintracht Holland to share the spoils with newly promoted Nuremberg, and Leipzig played out a goalless draw with attempting Schalke.

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